There’s a crack in everything

April 16, 2019

My favorite cookie platter has a crack in it but I love to use it and always remember the woman who gave it to me.  She was flying solo as a parent, raising a teenage daughter with no support, but she demonstrated a joyful spirit that inspires me now, 15 years later.

In this in-between week that’s known as Holy Week, as we are reminded of pain, grief and brokenness, I heard Leonard Cohen’s Anthem that echoes with these words, “There is a crack, a crack in everything.  That’s how the light gets in.”

And this is the hope I hold as we begin the ascent into Passover and Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  In the brokenness, God’s light still gets in.

I see it in the 8-year-old boy with autism who appears isolated but whose face lights up when Jason, a Neighboring Volunteer, appears in the room.  I see it in a young mom struggling with postpartum depression who hears that Lindsey, her Neighboring Volunteer, experienced a similar thing 9 years ago.  I see in a 13-year-old girl struggling with overwhelming anxiety in school but who says that talking to Nancy (Neighboring Volunteer) helps her remember to breath so she can walk into her classroom each morning with a little less fear.

In the brokenness, light gets in.  This is the light of Christ.

May this Holy week, this week of brokenness before the light appears, move you to be one who brings light in places of darkness.  Your presence can be the light that gets in the cracks for someone who is struggling.  And it’s what makes a difference.

Waiting with you for the light of Easter,

Edith Yoder
Executive Director

There’s a crack in everything