Are you a family in need of services?

Bridge of Hope is offered by a network of locations across the country. To find the Bridge of Hope provider nearest you, click the button below.  If there is not a location near you, contact your local 211 help line or the following national non-profits: Love INC., YWCA, Family Promise/Interfaith Hospitality Network.  If you are in need of shelter from domestic violence, contact the National Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).

Bridge of Hope Locations

Non-discrimination Statement:
Bridge of Hope serves families regardless of race, ethnicity, faith or life experiences. Bridge of Hope takes seriously the call to serve families without discrimination, extending compassion and grace without judgement to families facing homelessness. In Bridge of Hope, faith and church attendance are neither program requirements nor expectations.