Filled with energy and connections, our network had a great experience at the 2024 Bridge of Hope Annual Network Conference. Thank you to our keynote speakers, Kevin Nye and Nikki Toyama-Szeto, our expert workshop presenters and the generous sponsors who make our conference possible. Here are a few combined highlights shared by our attendees:  

  • The wealth of information provided through the Joint Sessions and Workshops and our time of worship. 
  • Keynote Speaker, Kevin Nye’s affirmation of our model, highlighting the national statistics of homelessness and sharing what is working across the country (including Bridge of Hope!). 
  • Being with staff from other locations and trading resources and connections.

Save the Date!
Our next National Network Conference will be held October 1-3, 2025, in Lancaster County, PA. We are thrilled that Keynote Speaker, Andrea Flack-Wetherald, bestselling author and creator of Mindful Improv Thinking™ will be part of another great line-up next year.


The Bridge of Hope National Conference is open to all Staff and Board Members from our National Network of Locations.