Is the weary world rejoicing this Christmas?

December 26, 2023

This Christmas season, I’ve been reading a book based on the words of the Christmas carol “O Holy Night.” And so, of course I’m singing this song and listening to it a lot as well! Here is one version I am enjoying.

Within several days this past week, three moms in Bridge of Hope all signed leases. This moment of signing a lease has huge significance for families who have long been searching for a place that is affordable to live.

Yes, it’s a bit like the holy family knocking on all the doors of Bethlehem, looking for a place to stay. Moms in Bridge of Hope are calling landlord after landlord in search of a place to make home that is affordable in today’s unaffordable market.

Annaliese is one of the moms who signed a lease last week. And the first thing her little boy said he wants to do in his new home is decorate for Christmas. I’m so grateful that one more family has found a home in time for Christmas!

“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.”

In the midst of a world that can indeed feel very weary, may you rejoice with us in families who are homeless finding housing – and the birth of a child who is Emmanuel, God-with-us.


Edith Yoder, Chief Executive Officer


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Is the weary world rejoicing this Christmas?