Making space for each other

August 15, 2023

What might it look like to “make space” for each other?

I’ve been thinking about this recently since hearing a mom share her story of how Bridge of Hope gave her “space, time and grace” to grow and heal. This mom was touched by Bridge of Hope BuxMont, PA. And I’ve heard similar expressions from other women served by Bridge of Hope over the past years as well.

“God used Bridge of Hope to help me get back on track psychologically, spiritually and financially,” shared an alumna, from Bridge of Hope Chester Co, PA.

“It’s good to know there are good people out there. To have people who believe in me, support me, care about me, pray for me, love me.” said Anna, a mom whose life was changed by Bridge of Hope Greater Denver, CO.

I believe “making space” for each other means providing a place, time and opportunity for healing and hope to emerge. A space where someone who is hurting, anxious and wounded can feel supported, cared for, prayed for and loved. And that is the work of Bridge of Hope and Neighboring Volunteers.

Bridge of Hope’s new three-year strategic plan (2023-26) is entitled “Making Space for Families: Housing, Support and Brave Conversations.” This plan focuses on increasing affordable housing spaces to meet increased numbers of families facing homelessness, strengthening the scaffolding of support for families, and creating brave spaces, as we fulfill our mission.

Making space for our neighbors facing homelessness — space to heal, grow and experience grace – is part of the ordinary work, every day, at Bridge of Hope.

I encourage each of us to make space for each other by asking, “Where can I offer support, care, prayers and love today?”

Join us in making space for families facing homelessness – by offering housing, support and brave conversations.

Edith Yoder, Chief Executive Officer


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Making space for each other