Who is Washing your Feet?

April 9, 2020

Today on Maundy Thursday, we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples and his choice to wash their dusty, dirty feet.

It was an act of servanthood.

In these days of COVID-19, as we set our dinner table this evening, may we remember those who are serving us; many of whom are like the single moms in Bridge of Hope who have faced homelessness.  They are our grocery store clerks; they are nurse’s aides at the hospital and in retirement communities; and they are restaurant workers who are preparing take-out meals.

Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an act of service.  In these days of quarantine, we are being served–our feet are being washed metaphorically, by many who are risking their own health, often at low wages, to serve the broader community.

May we remember and pray for every family facing homelessness who is also facing health risks every day in their job.

Let’s pray:

Oh God of mercy, as we think of you washing the feet of your disciples, we now call to mind those who are serving our broader community through their work.  We pray for resilience and strength for each family in Bridge of Hope and each Neighboring Volunteer.  May your grace and strength abound.

Tomorrow we follow you to Jerusalem and Calvary, but Sunday is coming.  We hold onto whispers of Easter and hope.  And we trust you to provide living hope for each family and church involved with Bridge of Hope this day.

In Jesus name, AMEN.

Edith Yoder
Chief Executive Officer, Bridge of Hope

Who is Washing your Feet?