Reflections from author, Lisa Wingate, on sharing a pudding cup

May 10, 2021

I was so inspired by New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Wingate, who shared her personal story at our Gala Luncheon on April 30.  She spoke of the impact that the church and community made in ending poverty and hunger for her grandmother.

On Saturday, when I was at the grocery store and saw pudding cups, I thought of Lisa Wingate’s story of her 5-year-old son’s act of sharing his pudding cup with a friend.  And I thought of her closing comments:  You can be the bridge that not only changes a family now, but changes the course for the next generation, and the next, and the next. Your time, your support is the bridge that spans the distance from despair to hope. How do we change the world? One person at a time. One volunteer hour. One donation. One step. One offering. One act of kindness. One gift of faith. One life at a time.

Here’s some other quotes from Lisa at our Gala:

  • “The church and community reached under the lilac bush and pull that little blue eyed girl [my grandmother] forward. And it changed four generations.”
  • “You have enormous generational power. You can be the bridge that spans the distance to hope from despair.”

Thank you for standing in the gap for homeless families!

Edith Yoder
Chief Executive Officer



Reflections from author, Lisa Wingate, on sharing a pudding cup